Friday, September 12, 2008

John McCain has become a disgrace

I used to respect John McCain. I seldom agreed with his politics, but I did respect him, because he stood up for what he believed in, reached out across the isle to get things done, and spoke out against divisive and disrespectful politics.

That John McCain is gone. He's been replaced with a man that will seemingly do anything to win an election, even if it means misleading the public (including flat-out lying to them), and choosing a running mate that is clearly not qualified to be President.

John McCain used to decry dirty politics. When the now infamous "Swift Boat" ad against John Kerry ran on television in 2004, John McCain was quoted as saying "I condemn the ad. It is dishonest and dishonorable. I think it is very, very wrong." But now, four years later, when running for President himself, he runs equally misleading and dishonest ads.

He has run an ad saying that Obama voted to teach kindergarten children "comprehensive sex education." This is a bald-faced lie. Obama supported a piece of legislation, while in the Illinois state senate, that would teach "age-appropriate sex education" to children in schools. In reference to kindergarteners, he has been clear in the past that the goal was to teach them about improper touching, to help them avoid being molested.

The non-partisan website, FactCheck,org, has a page dedicated to exposing the outright dishonestly in this ad. Please read it. They go into a great amount of detail on how dishonest and deceptive this ad is.

The point of this ad is simple -- to smear Barack Obama. It pretends to talk about why Obama is not strong on education, but it's real intent is to make people question his character. It is slimy, despicable, and disgusting. It is the exact same kind of ad that the Swift Boat ad was; an ad that John McCain publicly denounced. Apparently, as far as he is concerned, running a dishonest and dishonorable ad is okay when HE is doing it.

I realize that Barack Obama has been guilty of stretching the truth in his ads, and sometimes distorting the facts. I don't like it when Obama does that, and I wish he would stop. However, this ad by John McCain has hit a new low in campaign politics. John McCain should be DEEPLY ASHAMED of himself. I am ashamed of him. I hope that most of the American people are ashamed of him.

The fact that John McCain is willing to stoop to this level, just to win an election, CLEARLY shows what kind of man he really is. It CLEARLY shows how much respect he has for the American people, and how much respect he has for this country.

Picking Sarah Palin as his running mate is another reason I have lost respect for John McCain. Most intelligent people believe, in their heart of hearts, that Palin is not qualified to be President. If those people are Republicans, they'll never admit that publicly (although one or two of them might say it when they think their microphone isn't on), but they still don't believe it.

Because I know John McCain is an intelligent man, I simply don't believe that he really thinks that Sarah Palin is qualified to be President. The ONLY reason he chose her was because his advisors told him he needed to pick her if he wanted to have a chance at winning the election. For John McCain to pick someone that he knows is unqualified, just to win the election, shows what little regard he has for his country. It shows that he is willing to sacrifice the safety and security of the very nation he claims to love so much.

There are many other examples to indicate that McCain has become nothing more than a political opportunist; a man that has abandoned his principals due to personal ambition. It would take several blogs to point them all out, but I feel these two cases are the most severe.

Because of this, John McCain has clearly shown me that he has no business being the President of the United States.